Thursday, October 22, 2009

Funny little-one-ism's

My youngest daughter is a little-me for sure! I have proof. Yesterday we were at the mall together (Christmas shopping!) and we walked past a new Victoria Secret Pink store. I thought to myself "wow, that's a whole lotta pink!" Not a half-second later I hear "Man, that's a lotta pink!" come right out of her mouth. It's a little scary how much she's like me!

Here's another funny thing she said...not that I think you care...but I want to put it in writing before I forget! :) She was writing her age on a drawing she did so I could put it in her "save box." She turned to me and said "I wish I was 7 AND A HALF! Oh wait, I AM 7-1/2!" I had to laugh. :)

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