My youngest daughter is a little-me for sure! I have proof. Yesterday we were at the mall together (Christmas shopping!) and we walked past a new Victoria Secret Pink store. I thought to myself "wow, that's a whole lotta pink!" Not a half-second later I hear "Man, that's a lotta pink!" come right out of her mouth. It's a little scary how much she's like me!
Here's another funny thing she said...not that I think you care...but I want to put it in writing before I forget! :) She was writing her age on a drawing she did so I could put it in her "save box." She turned to me and said "I wish I was 7 AND A HALF! Oh wait, I AM 7-1/2!" I had to laugh. :)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Delight in everything
Butterflies seem to find their way onto my cards. Not sure why...maybe I just like the look of movement.
I started Christmas shopping yesterday! I think this is the first time I've actually DONE it rather than just THINK about doing it so early. My goal is to be done by Thanksgiving so I can just enjoy December.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
"Extra Time"'s been awhile. This summer was crazy busy trying to balance kids home from school and a new job. Of course, now that they're back in school life is still crazy busy. I think I just need to resign myself to the fact that "extra time" doesn't exist!

Here's some artwork. I've been busy creating...just need to get busy posting! My in-laws bought a house in WY where they plan to host guests frequently. I made them a guest-book and treasure box...keeping with the cowboy theme of course!
Update on my court date...I SURVIVED! :) And I didn't even cry. The judge was kind and significantly reduced the fine (couldn't chuck the ticket all together). I got a chance to apologize for my behavior (HUMBLING!) and the neighbor and I ended on a good note. I'm just relieved it's over and I can stop thinking about it!
Here's some artwork. I've been busy creating...just need to get busy posting! My in-laws bought a house in WY where they plan to host guests frequently. I made them a guest-book and treasure box...keeping with the cowboy theme of course!
Big lesson of the summer:
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." ~Prov. 15:1
I need to figure out how to move photos around! I'll do that when I have "extra time!"
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I serve with joy
It's funny how something comes up in the day and out of the blue someone sends something that is complete answer to prayer and helps you face that something that comes up with the perfect frame of mind. Confused?
Here's my something. I have to go to court and it's because I initiated it. If you know me, you would be shocked. I STRIVE to not rock the boat. I am most content if we're all just getting along. If I disagree with you I have absolutely NO desire to make you see my point. I like peace.
About 6 weeks ago...on the first (and almost ONLY) sunny day in Seattle I had a run-in with a complete stranger. My daughter was playing in the front yard so I had the front door open so I could hear her from inside the house. The dog went outside and laid in the front yard next to my daughter. My fence...we live in the city. A man was running on the sidewalk and startled the dog, who reacted by barking. The man yelled at my daughter. I came running outside as soon as I heard the dog bark. I grabbed the dog (who stuck her tail between her legs and laid down next to me). The stranger continued to yell so my momma bear tendencies kicked in and I yelled back. NOT my finest moment. He continued to yell, I yelled, blah, blah, blah.
Then the animal control officer showed up at my house about a week later to give me a ticket. $50 for no leash; $350 for owning a menacing dog. WHAT?! The only menacing thing was the strange man yelling at a child and me yelling back. In fact, I came across a sign a few days back that read "Forget the dog, beware the owner!" and thought about buying it! :)
So I'm fighting the malicious dog ticket. Just saying that makes me get butterflies in my stomach!
Today the court date notification came in the mail...which makes it real and made me get nervous all over again. When I first received the ticket and was considering my options I was completely nervous until a sense of calm just filled my heart. I know it's right to fight the ticket...not because I may "get out of it," but because I'm learning how to be bold and not shrink from the situation (or at least I'll learn SOMETHING from this!).
That's a long way of getting to the point. Out of the blue (I wonder if God laughs at that phrase?) I received an email with a link to a wonderful speech given by a christian woman who has terminal cancer. Her speech was at a women's event (the audience was not all christian) and it was incredible!
If you have 55 minutes and want to be encouraged, stretched, filled, this:
I pray it touches your heart...if nothing else it will explain the title to my post!
Here's my something. I have to go to court and it's because I initiated it. If you know me, you would be shocked. I STRIVE to not rock the boat. I am most content if we're all just getting along. If I disagree with you I have absolutely NO desire to make you see my point. I like peace.
About 6 weeks ago...on the first (and almost ONLY) sunny day in Seattle I had a run-in with a complete stranger. My daughter was playing in the front yard so I had the front door open so I could hear her from inside the house. The dog went outside and laid in the front yard next to my daughter. My fence...we live in the city. A man was running on the sidewalk and startled the dog, who reacted by barking. The man yelled at my daughter. I came running outside as soon as I heard the dog bark. I grabbed the dog (who stuck her tail between her legs and laid down next to me). The stranger continued to yell so my momma bear tendencies kicked in and I yelled back. NOT my finest moment. He continued to yell, I yelled, blah, blah, blah.
Then the animal control officer showed up at my house about a week later to give me a ticket. $50 for no leash; $350 for owning a menacing dog. WHAT?! The only menacing thing was the strange man yelling at a child and me yelling back. In fact, I came across a sign a few days back that read "Forget the dog, beware the owner!" and thought about buying it! :)
So I'm fighting the malicious dog ticket. Just saying that makes me get butterflies in my stomach!
Today the court date notification came in the mail...which makes it real and made me get nervous all over again. When I first received the ticket and was considering my options I was completely nervous until a sense of calm just filled my heart. I know it's right to fight the ticket...not because I may "get out of it," but because I'm learning how to be bold and not shrink from the situation (or at least I'll learn SOMETHING from this!).
That's a long way of getting to the point. Out of the blue (I wonder if God laughs at that phrase?) I received an email with a link to a wonderful speech given by a christian woman who has terminal cancer. Her speech was at a women's event (the audience was not all christian) and it was incredible!
If you have 55 minutes and want to be encouraged, stretched, filled, this:
I pray it touches your heart...if nothing else it will explain the title to my post!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Ice skating is heaven
If I wait one more day I will have posted once a month! Not so good.
My youngest turned 7 this month...due to scheduling and events she had 3 birthday parties. Talk about celebrating ALL month long...this is a good thing when you're 7!
Here are the invitations I made for her "school friends party." She had her heart set on ice-skating. Thank God for indoor rinks. The card doesn't open, but has a pocket on the front where we slipped in a card with all of the party information.
Friday, April 10, 2009
It's been forever since I posted. This was my biggest obstacle in deciding to start a blog...that it would sit unvisited by myself and therefore anyone else. And then THAT would sit over me like a dark raincloud whispering "you're ignoring me again!"
But we keep on right?!
Life is seriously lacking balance right now...but it's been a wild and fun roller coaster ride the last month! I'm SLOWLY getting into a routine with working a part-time job outside of the house as well as balance kids, husband, and life at home. DH has started a new job this week and is loving it. Amazing the doors God can open when we just rest in Him and stop trying so hard on our own accord!
I have actually had a few minutes to be creative! Working on photos so I can post...
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter! He has risen indeed!
But we keep on right?!
Life is seriously lacking balance right now...but it's been a wild and fun roller coaster ride the last month! I'm SLOWLY getting into a routine with working a part-time job outside of the house as well as balance kids, husband, and life at home. DH has started a new job this week and is loving it. Amazing the doors God can open when we just rest in Him and stop trying so hard on our own accord!
I have actually had a few minutes to be creative! Working on photos so I can post...
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter! He has risen indeed!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
It's off to work I go!
Started a new job this week. Thankfully it's only part-time and won't affect being able to take care of my girls. Although it certainly cuts into any creative time I ever had!
After spending an hour with HR (left my head spinning...who knew I had to make so many decisions and fill out so many forms for a 20-hour job!) and 3 hours with the person I'm replacing I came home, took some headache medicine and laid down! :) I'm starting to think work is for the birds.
This job isn't something I went looking for...kind of just fell into my lap. I've been involved on a volunteer basis with the children's ministries at my church for about 10 years. There are a few management/director/coordinator type positions that are paid, but I was happy to volunteer as a worker bee. The coordinator for the nursery age (0-3) decided to leave and recommended me. They approached...I said "ummmmmmmmmmmm...." and prayed about it for about 3 weeks. Finally decided it was where God wanted me and who am I to say no to that?! So the last 2 weeks have been interesting...the day I said yes my family got sick, including me. I haven't been sick for ages (knock on wood we are one of the healthiest families I know...don't ask me how, just blessed!). It wasn't just a cold with sniffles...full blown fevers and vomiting. In the middle of that I was REALLY asking myself what the heck I was doing committing to a job when I have a full-time job at home being a mom. ANYWAY....long story was a week of wrestling with God. I'm happy to say we all came out better for it and I think this job will be soon as I figure out what in the world I'm doing!
After spending an hour with HR (left my head spinning...who knew I had to make so many decisions and fill out so many forms for a 20-hour job!) and 3 hours with the person I'm replacing I came home, took some headache medicine and laid down! :) I'm starting to think work is for the birds.
This job isn't something I went looking for...kind of just fell into my lap. I've been involved on a volunteer basis with the children's ministries at my church for about 10 years. There are a few management/director/coordinator type positions that are paid, but I was happy to volunteer as a worker bee. The coordinator for the nursery age (0-3) decided to leave and recommended me. They approached...I said "ummmmmmmmmmmm...." and prayed about it for about 3 weeks. Finally decided it was where God wanted me and who am I to say no to that?! So the last 2 weeks have been interesting...the day I said yes my family got sick, including me. I haven't been sick for ages (knock on wood we are one of the healthiest families I know...don't ask me how, just blessed!). It wasn't just a cold with sniffles...full blown fevers and vomiting. In the middle of that I was REALLY asking myself what the heck I was doing committing to a job when I have a full-time job at home being a mom. ANYWAY....long story was a week of wrestling with God. I'm happy to say we all came out better for it and I think this job will be soon as I figure out what in the world I'm doing!
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